Spring 2025 Links for BCOM 314

Mr. Mandel's Sections 007, 010, and 014


Use this website for quick and easy access to course links (especially for in-class activities), assignment instructions, and the course schedule.

Use Discord for quick communication with me, your preceptors, your classmates, and your teammates.  Important announcements and reminders will both be posted in Discord and simultaneously emailed to you.

Use D2L for submitting assignments, checking your grades, and accessing required course materials (textbook and PitchVantage), and reviewing foundational course documents (syllabus, daily schedule, assignment instructions).

Universal Links
(All Sections)

The team assignment interview schedule below will be updated periodically as more students sign up for their interview slots.  This is provided as a resource and reminder of when you each signed up.

Section 007
(9:30 AM) Links

Section 010
(2:00 PM) Links

Section 014
(3:30 PM) Links

Consolidated First-Semester Calendar of Major Assignments and Milestones